The story of Hedgehog's adventure is that of the hero's journey. The show is designed to be both entertaining and educational for all ages. Each of the story's five acts covers a new tree, a new life lesson, and ends in a fun song. The songs are new takes on old classics such as Humpty Dumpty, and Putting on the Ritz.
The stage is a collapsible steel structure that is assembled at your venue prior to the show. It is adorned with red velvet curtains and a black canvas surround, measuring 8 feet wide.
The show currently features 11 realistic puppets, backdrops that transport them to various outdoor scenes, and props to support the storyline. Many of these can be seen as featured on our YouTube channel, although additions and improvements are ongoing (and many have been made since they first appeared).
Behind the scenes are two puppeteers and an audio technician. Each puppet has it's own unique personality, and the show features a full soundtrack with sound effects to support each scene. The show is approximately 45 minutes long.